Creative Development for Chattanooga Commercial Properties

Urban Story Ventures, LLC is a pure play on the growth story of the Chattanooga real estate market, taking an entrepreneurial and innovative approach to all of its developments. The market is seeing unprecedented economic and job growth as the city hits its stride. Urban Story Ventures, LLC has over $272 million in assets, including office buildings, hotels, retail, industrial, and residential. Assets range from income producing properties to speculative holds. The background of the principals focuses on a deep value strategy and purchases providing significant value-add opportunities related to acquisitions, repositioning and redevelopment, and real estate undertakings in the Chattanooga marketplace. Urban Story Ventures, LLC is an umbrella entity that houses the many entities we own and operate and are associated with each appropriate property. Urban Story Ventures, LLC is the public facing name of our enterprise, while DEW, LLC is still legally and financially functioning as our management company.